The Senatobia and Tate County D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) and School Attendance Officers offered youth the opportunity to learn fun, free, and family oriented ways to achieve their optimal fitness level. Officers Arthur Avant, Judy Black, Shana Blakely and Amy Brassell hosted four day fitness camps in Coldwater, Independence, Senatobia and Strayhorn.
Each day of camp offered the child a new approach to a healthy lifestyle through dance, speed & agility, Tae Bo, Body Jam, Jumping Rope and more. The camp ran each day from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. The children were given fresh fruit and bottled water daily. Following each week, the officers hosted an Awards Ceremony and invited the children's families to view a presentation of the week's activities.
The D.A.R.E. Officers and School Attendance Officers collaborated to promote healthy lifestyles, offer students positive activities in their communities, to encourage school attendance and to build better relationships with the students and their families. The officers believe that by making healthier choices there will be an improvement in school attendance.
Without the support of Chief John Boyd, Senatobia Police Department, Sheriff Brad Lance, Sheriff of Tate County, and Terissa WIlliams, Mississippi Department of Education, Supervisor of Northern District School Attendance Officers these camps would not have been offered. T-shirts, water bottles, and fresh fruit were given to the participants thanks to contributions from Coldwater/May's Pharmacy, First Financial Bank, Law Office of H. Kirk Moore, Law Office of Mildred J. Lesure, The Lions Club, Mercier Chiropratic Clinic, Senatobia Dental, Sycamore Bank, Junior Auxiliary of Tate-Panola, Copper Kettle, Dr. Deran Cathey, Toney Sandridge, and Lesley Spence. A special thank you to Rick "Hollywood" Gordon for teaching Tae Bo and Officer Arthur Avant for sharing his expertise in physical fitness and motivational Drug-Free Raps and line dances.